About Anthony Culyer:
Professor Anthony Culyer is widely regarded as one of the seminal figures in the field of health economics. Amongst his many achievements, he is the founding Vice Chair of the National Institute for Health & Clinical Excellence, founding editor of the Journal of Health Economics, a Founding Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences, an Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, and a CBE. He also held the position of Ontario Research Chair in Health Policy and System Design in IHPME. Throughout his career he has worked to bridge the often great chasm that exists between the policy and academic spheres. The Fellowship is in recognition of that work and involves the placement of a graduate student in a non-academic setting for three months (June 1st-August 31st), during which time they would have the opportunity for experiential learning through application of the tools of economic analysis to real world policy questions. In keeping with the framework outlined by the Canadian Health Services and Policy Research Alliance (http://ihpme.utoronto.ca/research/research-centres-initiatives/cihr-alliancetraining- working-group/), this Fellowship will include a professional competency preparation component to enhance skill development to suit a wide range of potential careers inside and outside academia.
About the Fellowship:
Successful candidates will be awarded with a financial prize of $20,000 and three-month internship position with Beaconsfield supervised by IHPME faculty, where they will be fully immersed in an analytically-focused healthcare consulting role.
Beaconsfield Group is a small advisory firm committed to helping health and life sciences organizations improve quality and reduce cost using economic evidence. The firm does so through:
• Advisory services: Tailored advice, based on best-available information, on how to address pressing issues including landscape assessments, strategy development, and the creation of value-added offerings;
• Economic analyses: Evaluations of new products and services to quantify their impact on health systems and support decision-making; and
• Implementation supports: Integration with internal go-to-market teams to add or bolster existing capabilities.