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Walter P. Wodchis

Walter P. Wodchis


Dr. Wodchis main research interests are health economics and financing, and health care policy evaluation. He is the Principal Investigator for the Health System Performance Research Network. In this program, he leads a team focused on research projects that identify complex populations with chronic conditions who transition through multiple health care sectors and develop health system performance measurement for these populations. Dr. Wodchis is also co-Principal Investigator for a CIHR team grant focused on understanding spread of community based integrated care innovations to improve care for complex patient populations. Past significant publications include quality of life measurement for older populations, incentives and government payment for physicians and long-term care including pay for performance, and the relationship between quality and cost. He holds a Bachelor of Mathematics (Waterloo), Master’s in both Gerontology (Waterloo) and Economics (Michigan), and doctorate in Health Services Organization and Policy (Health Economics) at the University of Michigan.