Ted McDonald

Dr. Ted McDonald is a Professor of Economics at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton. He holds a Ph.D. and a Master of Commerce in Economics from the University of Melbourne. Dr. McDonald was designated a UNB Research Scholar for 2012-2014 and has been PI or co-PI on over $1.5 million of research funding since 2009. He is the Academic Director of the NB Research Data Centre and the co-director of the NB Institute for Research, Data and Training, a newly established facility on the UNB campus to house administrative data from the Province of New Brunswick. His main areas of research and expertise include the health status and health services use of immigrants, rural residents, minority groups and other subpopulations, as well as an ongoing program of research on the socioeconomic and demographic determinants of cancer. He has published his work in a broad range of academic journals including Social Science and Medicine, Canadian Journal of Economics, Canadian Public Policy, Oral Oncology, Thyroid, and the Canadian Journal on Aging. He has also co-edited a book on immigration in Canada published by McGill-Queen