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Sherman Folland

Sherman Folland


Sherman Folland is Professor of Economics at Oakland University in Rochester,  Michigan, 48065. He attained his doctorate in 1975 at the University of Iowa in Iowa City, where he held a health economics fellowship from the U.S. Department of Health Education and Welfare, the precursor to today’s Department of Health and Human Services. At first he published in a variety of topics such as hospital models, hospital efficiency, spatial models, nuclear plant externalities, small area variations and in journals including Journal of Health Economics, Health Economics, Inquiry, the Southern Economic Journal, the Journal of Health Politics and Law, Journal of Regional Science, Social Science and Medicine and others. In the early part of this century Folland chose to concentrate on “The Economics of Social Capital and Health”, and in December 2013 he and Lorenzo Rocco published their co-edited book of that title.  He wrote or co-wrote several of the chapters in that book. His journal articles on social capital focus on both theory and empirical work with an emphasis on the issue of causality. Many health economists would be familiar with his textbook with Allen Goodman and Miron Stano, The Economics of Health and Health Care, now in its 7th Edition.