Primary Care Doctors as Purchasers: Exploring Marketization and Privatization in the English NHS 1990 – 2016
Speaker: Stephen Peckham
Date: Friday, March 3rd from 10 AM – 12 PM
Location: HS 100 (Health Sciences Building, 155 College Street, Toronto ON)
Since the introduction of the NHS internal market in 1990 there have been various attempts to involve primary care physicians and other primary care staff in purchasing or commissioning healthcare. This presentation will briefly review the history of these developments and assess their impact. The discussion will focus on how primary care organizations have operationalized their purchaser function (market shaping, competition etc) particularly in a period of an increasing emphasis on service integration and collaboration.
Dr. Stephen Peckham is the Director of the Centre for Health Services Studies (CHSS) at the University of Kent and Professor of Health Policy in the Department of Health Services Research and Policy at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). He is additionally Director of the CHSS-LSHTM joint Policy Research Unit in Commissioning and the Healthcare System and Associate Professor at IHPME. In addition to his 25 years of academic research, Dr. Peckham worked from 2002 to 2006 as a non-executive director of a Primary Care Trust and has been a member of several research commissioning boards for NIHR and national charities.
His main research interests are in health policy analysis, organizational and service delivery, primary care and public health. Current research includes the evaluation of clinical commissioning groups, examining patient and public involvement in commissioning, evaluating the English NHS new models of care programme and evaluating the implementation process of new national adult social care legislation. He has also recently completed research on public health systems in England and Ukraine. He has published widely on health and social policy and health services research with books on primary care, health and social policy and public health ethics.