2014 Annual Health Econometrics Workshop
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
September 25 – 27, 2014
Organizers: Anirban Basu (University of Washington), Audrey Laporte (University of Toronto) and Paul Grootendorst (University of Toronto)
Sponsors: The 2014 AHEW is sponsored by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), Pfizer Inc., the Canadian Centre for Health Economics at the University of Toronto, and the University of Washington School of Public Health.
Details: The AHEW provides a forum to discuss the use of econometric and other quantitative methods to address issues in health economics and policy, health services research, and outcomes research. It is the first meeting of its kind in North America and will facilitate the exchange of ideas among the growing number of health econometricians in the United States and Canada.
The format of the workshop will follow the traditional structure of the American Health Economics Conference (AHEC), National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Conferences, and the European Workshops on Econometrics and Health Economics where an entire hour will be devoted to each of about 9/10 papers. Unlike the traditional format, however, the discussant will present the paper, followed by the author’s rebuttal and open discussion.
General registration for the Annual Health Econometrics Conference is now open at www.healtheconometrics.org. A tentative program agenda is also available on the website.
Non-Local participants: Registration fees will cover the following:
- Two nights lodging at Park Hyatt Toronto
- Welcome session (September 25th)
- Continental breakfast, lunch, and dinner (September 26th)
- Continental breakfast and lunch (September 27th)
Local participants: Registration fees cover meals only (no lodging)
Student Scholarships: Local and non-local doctoral students may apply for one of a limited number of scholarships. Permission MUST be obtained from Dr. Anirban Basu prior to registering for a student scholarship. Please email Dr. Basu with your request and the following information:
- Year in doctoral program
- Advisor’s name
- Advisor’s email address
The Coop, Brennan Hall
University of St. Michael’s College
81 St. Mary Street
Toronto, ON M5S 1J4
, Canada